Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Monday, March 24, 2025

Monday Question

 Do you play with your parents and if so what is your favorite game?

Daddy is good at getting down all fours and we play pounce. I turn away pretending not to see him then I suddenly pounce and lick his face.

He knows I am going to pounce but he is still startled when I do it

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Elsa and Hailey

After two major friend losses, at least on the mortal side,I have been rudimenting about pets and love.

We shine our love out to the universe like a beacon searching for a heart to accept it. When we find one it completes us. Finding a human to accept your love is difficult, and some people never find one. It must match another person perfectly and often is mistaken leading to heartache.

But pets are different. Their hearts are open to anyone who sends a beacon near it, which is why it's a crime so many of them go unloved in shelters. What the world needs now, is love sweet love, and it is located at the local shelter.

I have talked to many of the first dogs, those wolves who recognized a love beacon, and opened their hearts to it. Dogs were the first to love humans. At the time men and women used one another for the fully physical need for sex. Sometimes the man had a wolf dog, who accepted the woman’s love too, and neither wanted to leave the dog, so they stayed together, bound by their dogs.

They created a family, which is a tradition carried over throughout human life, and it is all thanks for the dogs (and later cats.)

Now, pets are little beacons of love in every loving home.

But there is nothing that burns a soul fiercer than enduring love. That is why pets lives are so short.

This month Elsa from the Tails Around the Ranch blog and Lee from the The Hailey and Zaphod blog# left their family, and friends, let their hearts be caught by the wind, and left many beacons of love, especially their parents.

Elsa was a loving and sweet dog. She began her life in the most unloving circumstances, as a mother dog at a puppy mill. The owner went to the Bridge, and Elsa was rescued. Every dog there had an abnormality, Elsa’s was epilepsy. She was adopted by the best possible family who made sure she took her meds and patiently waited for her to put aside the feral side and become a family pet. When she rediscovered her beacon of love she adored her parents, and they her, until her song ended.

Hailey had a long road to find her beam. She travelled from home to home, and from shelter to shelter, becoming more broken at each stop, until she was rescued from a kill shelter. She too found the perfect home with someone who patiently walked and trained her until, like all shelter dogs who become a family member, the parents were rewarded with all the love Hailey ever had. It would be neurological issues which drove Hailey from her home to the Bridge.

I know both sets of parents will miss the love they felt for these great dogs but when they look to the sky at night they will find that beam still shining from the Bridge down to their homes. 

Friday, March 21, 2025

The Ruby Rose Report: One Walk Two Views

Winter is gone and the time is right for me to go walking on the street.

I am like a tiny bear. I hibernate in the winter and only go outside for car rides. I have been counting the days when I can go for a walk, and with Daylight Savings Time upon us, it was time to resume my pre-supper walks.

I anxiously waited for my harness to be put on, and then led my parents out for a walk.

PARENTAL NOTE: “Ruby wanted no part in going for a walk. She kept putting her nose on the floor so we couldn’t put on the harness, and when we got it on and went to hook the leash, she hid under the kitchen table.”

RUBY’S RECOLLECTION: I was excited to smell all the pee mail I missed, and answer it.

PARENTAL NOTE: Ruby is more likely to pee on the summit of Mountain Denali McKinley than to pee on the grass in our little village. Sometimes, after long walks, she hurries to get home, because she has to pee and doesn't want to pee outside like a drunken Bostonian during the day of the St Patrick’s Day parade and all the other days too.

RUBY’S RECOLLECTION: I took my first deep dive at pee-mail on the grass across the street. I was fascinated and caught up on so much.

PARENTAL NOTE: Ruby sniffed for a few seconds and acted like someone who found Bill Reilly's book Busty Blondes at the library and quickly re-shelved it.

RUBY’S RECOLLECTION: From there I proudly walked the sweet streets of our 55 and over the community, which did not, as my Dad thought, refer to the speed limit.

PARENTAL NOTE: As we turned onto a side street Ruby, realizing she was at the furthest point away from home, stopped walking, and turned into a 15-pound turtle carrying a 20-pound boulder on its back.

RUBY’S RECOLLECTION: At one point my parents picked me up to snuggle with me to keep warm.

PARENTAL NOTE: Yeah, to keep warm, and also because people saw us dragging our little dog down the street we picked her up so we could end the walk and get on with our lives before the sunset. 

RUBY’S RECOLLECTION: Once I was put down I raced home triumphantly.

PARENTAL NOTE: She had to pee.

RUBY’S RECOLLECTION: It was a great walk.

PARENTAL NOTE: Walking and carrying a 15-pound dog is good for the core.


Thursday, March 20, 2025

Poetry Thursday

It is Thursday which means the Two Spoiled Cats have provided another photo to inspire our poetic muse

My Aunt Sue marched to her own drum

Although my parents thought she was a scion

But the vapors had them overcome

When she married a lion

They met at a free the animals rally

She was the spokesperson and he represents the big cats

When they met there was no time to dilly or dally

They both thought the other was someone to look at

After the event they went for coffee

She had a mochachino and he intestines of antelope

The intimidated cafe owner said it was all free

And they immediately left to elope.

They drove to Vegas it took all night

And they made plans to get married by a fat Elvis

As the lion and my Aunt walked down the strip people quaked in fright

The wedding was perfect except when the lion bit Elvis in the pelvis

From there they went on the lamb

But they quickly caught

They had broken into a supermarket and the groom was eating the ham

And she planned to wait for him even if he went away for a lot

He was put back in the zoo in a locked cage

While she petitioned the governor for a conjugal

But he said in coitus they could not engage

So the lion had to get by with her substitute A stacked bengal

As the years passed Aunt Sue continued to visit every Sunday

And they shared a love like no other

Until Sue learned her lion husband was actually gay

And was in love with the bengal’s brother


Wordless Wednesday
